Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Eve

Crazy day, but your Mom & I met Natcha and Angie on our lunch break!
Angie can't fully smile cause she is still sore from her wisdom teeth.

Natcha standing awkwardly in line by herself, and Angie keeping an eye on things! Lawlz I'm so punny!

We had to go back to work, but Natcha took these stalker pictures for me of Angie trying different sauces at Panera. Haha, her faces are great and they make me laugh bahaha!

Secret jet hanger observatory your Mom and I discovered at work!

Leaving work! My car looked so itty bitty next to the jet today haha

A Red Fox Labrador! Isn't she the absolute cutest?!

Obbbbviously I took a million pictures with her, duh.

God those eyes, I love her already.

But we had to leave and then go over to Aunt Laurie's for dinner. 
Marley & Adrianna!

Just part of the group! Jay, Jake, Courtney, Aunt Linda, and Grammi & Grandpa

Jake has changed A LOT since we last saw him, so that's why Lake looks so confused. Although, she kind of always looks confused.

The deep fried turkey that Uncle Tim dubbed "better than bacon"

Uncle Pete, Marley, and Uncle Larry. We were on the couch cause they were all watching the football game. We have a bunch of Seahawks fans and if SF lost last night that would secure the Seattle Seahawks a place in the superbowl. SF won just barely in the last quarter, they're all pretty sure that the Seahawks will still make it though. I usually don't like football, but you know last night was pretty fun! They get so into it lol, and then the next second it's back into some random topic.

And now meet Honey Blue!! This dog is one of the sweetest I have ever met!  (I've been so lucky lately and on puppy overload.. I LOVE IT!!!!!) Anyways, Marley found her running around and pretty dirty in Oceanside outside of work. She came right to Marley, no collar; and they took her home to clean her and put up posters everywhere. No one claimed her though so now Marley has officially adopted her. She is a Husky terrier, she is so crazy! I love it! Marley has a video of her climbing & then jumping a 6.5ft tall fence.. crazy yo! Anyways Marley has taught her tons of tricks and she is super loving and I want to steal her. 

Everyone having fun, and Lake being grumpy as usual..

So then they tried to cheer her up lol

Yay part of a group!

Dane with wayyy too much whipped cream.
Which led Courtney into telling a story of how Grammi & Grandpa used to only give her whipped cream for Christmas.

Now idk if you remember this picture.. it's pretty infamous now. The family hadn't seen the picture yet so we were telling story + showing the picture at the end. Laken drunk/hungover/no food/dehydrated/missing Tanner passed out stupor.

And Aunt Linda's reaction. She cried that she found it so hilarious!! I am seriously so upset that I didn't record it. You would have totally enjoyed being there to see it!! It was the topic of discussion for the whole night. Lake said she was just happy that Grandma still loved her after seeing it. 

Marley talking to Honey Blue, soo cute!

It's those piercing blue eyes, I love them!

Honey still thinks that she is a lap dog though.

And this is the tone we ended the night on, pretty great!! I had so much fun!! Everyone missed you and kept asking about you! You know I had so much fun because I got to show off my beautiful ring and brag about you making Petty Officer all night!!!! They all said they miss you and to give you a super big hello & hugs!!! WE MISS YOU MAXI!!

And Lake's cuddles with kitty. The end.

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