Saturday, October 5, 2013


So this was the other bug! The color was a really beautiful vintage white chocolate color, but now I realize in this picture it kind of looks like faded ugly yellow. =l Haha, but it was really pretty in and  out! He was awesome with all his advice, and I'm looking forward to making the baby prettier!

These were his window/door handle! I really like the style and he said there is lots of cool vintage chrome options out there. Do you like these, we should start looking at other bugs online that you like too so we can get ideas!

Since you're going to look anyways.. here is your care package sneak peek haha. I got the cool tape so yours will always stick out from all the rest! Maybe that way you can get yours faster?! Idk how your mail works, but whatever! :D

So here is Julie's resignation she slid under their door last night! A few run-on's/grammer but who cares. The last part is just awesome. I'm happy she finally quit, haha she was so excited today! (I just cut off the names/addresses cause internet in general and whatnot)

So I've had some laundry issues too, whoops my bad. The dryer has been broken and we've been line drying or just keeping it in the dryer for like 4 cycles; and I've been too lazy to do that. So today I did a shit ton of laundry. Yay everything smells so awesome and clean!

Your mom giving Dillon a treatment! We drug out the wax thing for our hands today too, but it was super nasty dirty gross. So we put it back, but I can still smell the wax which is weird.

Lilly. She is always up in my business!

The end, I love you Maxi!!!

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