Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Stockholm by Day

To make up for the uneventful days lately, I figured I would make up for it by catching you up on the parts of Sweden & Denmark I didn't get a chance to upload here for you!! So yay and I love you!

This was me on our birthday, I had a pretty awesome one minus the fact that I was missing you!

This was right after it had stopped raining, I love all the buildings and cobble stone streets!

I don't remember what we were all laughing about, but I love this picture of them both hah.

Laken's hair is like magically beautiful here, then a couple seconds later someone opened the door she was leaning against from the inside and she almost fell haha.

We invested in some umbrellas since it rained a million times a day pretty much.

This just makes me smile.

This was on the bridge just outside of Ulla's apartment.

It was cool because every morning and every night groups of kayakers would pass through the canals. Also, a lot of the boats to anchored to the sides people actually live in and keep their bikes chained to the docks. It was pretty cool to wake up early and watch people get out of their boats all business professional and then bike away, definitely different from home.

Inside of Ulla's apartment where we stayed with her! I love her style, it's all sort of quirky but still classy. Me gusta.

This was looking up at the rest of the city's layers before night fall. It was a little stormy out so I think that makes it look more pretty. It was amazing all lit up at night!

Well, I hope you enjoyed your bonus pictures! Remember that I'm taking you back here one day and I know you're going to love it! I miss you and can't wait to be with  you soon!

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